Municipal Court

12 DePiero Drive
Montvale, NJ 07645
(201) 391-5701
(201) 391-6239
Court Sessions
Second, Third, and Fourth Wednesday of the month at 4:00 pm
Municipal Court Judge
Court Administrator
Deputy Court Administrator
Violations Clerk
Geoffrey Mueller, Esq.
Public Defender
Gerald R. Salerno, Esq.
Council Liaison
- Timothy E. Lane (R)
Dieter Koelling
Virtual Court Information
Municipal Court sessions will now be conducted virtually/remotely to minimize exposure to COVID-19. Accordingly, all complainants, defendants, attorneys, victims are to contact the municipal court via email at or at (201) 391-5701 to provide your full name, e-mail address, and cell phone number within seven days of a court notice.
Links & Commonly Requested Info
Department Information
Serving Montvale, Park Ridge and Woodcliff Lake
The Pascack Joint Municipal Court is a court of limited jurisdiction, having responsibility for matters that occur within the geographic boundaries of Montvale, Park Ridge and Woodcliff Lake. This court hears a variety of cases, including motor vehicle offenses, minor criminal offenses, borough ordinance violations and neighborhood disputes. The joint court was created through a cooperative effort by the governing bodies of the three Boroughs, and opened on April 1, 2011. Both the court office and courtroom are located in Montvale
Court Room Standards
- No weapons are permitted in the courtroom or the municipal building.
- Food, drink or gum chewing is not permitted in the courtroom.
- Smoking is prohibited in all government buildings.
- Please avoid bringing small children to court. If you must bring them, please be prepared to wait outside the courtroom until your case is called.
- Please wear suitable clothing to court. Shirts and shoes are required. Hats are not permitted.
Court Proceedings
- At the beginning of the court session, the judge will give an opening statement explaining court procedure, defendants' rights, and potential penalties.
- All municipal court proceedings are recorded. Please remain quiet. The length of time you will be in court depends on many things. Some cases take longer than others, so please be patient.
- It is very important that you arrive in court on the day and time stated on your ticket, summons, subpoena or court notice. IF you arrive late, or if your name is not called, you should notify the court officer immediately. You may also wish to check the court calendar posted at the entrance to the courtroom to see if your matter is listed.
- A case may be postponed to permit the defendant to hire a lawyer. If the defendant wishes to go ahead without a lawyer, the judge will ask for his or her plea. If the defendant pleads guilty, the judge will ask questions regarding the offense charged to make sure there is good reason for the guilty plea.
- If the defendant pleads not guilty and all involved parties are present and prepared, the case will proceed to trial. Once the judge has heard the testimony, he will decide if the defendant is guilty, not guilty, or if the case should be dismissed.
- If you wish to discuss a plea agreement with the prosecutor, you must do so prior to trial.
- If a defendant does not appear, a warrant may be issued and his or her driving privileges may be suspended.
- NOTICES OF ADDRESS CHANGES: All parties to a particular case, whether you are the defendant, complainant or witness, must notify the court of any change, correction or addition to your current address. All notices sent by this court are sent to the address of record. If your address is not correct or complete, you may not receive notification of your court date. Please make sure that all address changes are made with both the Motor Vehicle Commission and the Municipal Court.