Tax Collector
- 201-391-5700
Tax Collector :
- Fran Scordo
- Phone: x254
Tax Assessor:
- Raymond Tighe
- Phone: x240
- Christine Kalafut
- Phone: x226
Tax Payment Dropbox

Tax News
Tax Collector Department Information
Taxes are due February 1, May 1, August 1 and November 1 of every year with a grace period of 10 days unless otherwise stated. A new drop box is located outside of the main entrance of the library at 12 DePiero Drive. This drop box is to be used for tax payments only. Checks only. NO CASH. Payments placed in the drop box will NOT be processed until the next business day.
Veteran or Surviving Spouse of Veteran:
Veterans, who were honorably discharged and served in active duty during the following conflicts or wars may apply for a $250 deduction: World Trade Center Rescue & Recovery Operation, Northern/Southern Watch, Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation Enduring Freedom, Joint Guard Mission-Bosnia and Herzegovina, Joint Endeavor Mission-Bosnia and Herzegovina, Restore Hope Mission-Somalia,Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm, Panama Peacekeeping Mission, Lebanon Peacekeeping MisSion, Grenada Peacekeeping Mission, Vietnam Conflict, Korean Conflict, and World War II. Dates of Service apply. In order to qualify for the $250 Veteran Deduction you must: Own a residence in Montvale as of October 1 of the pretax year. Be Honorably Discharged from active service and provide a copy of your Discharge Papers and DD-214. Have served in one of the conflicts listed. Application: Here.
100 Percent Permanently Disable Veteran or Surviving Spouse:
Qualified New Jersey Resident War Veterans having certain service-connected disabilities described in law or having been declared totally or 100% permanently disabled by the U.S. Veterans Administration are granted full tax exemption on the dwelling house and lot.
Income Tax Exemption for Veterans:
Senior Citizen, Disabled Person & Surviving Spouse:
An annual deduction of $250 from real property taxes on a home which is owned and occupied by a resident of Montvale as of October 1 of the pretax year, is 65 years or older or permanently and totally disabled or is a surviving spouse of a senior citizen or disabled person where income is $10,000 or less, not including social security.
The forms may be accessed by visiting the following links on the State of NJ website: