Thurs: Open until 6pm

12 DePiero Drive
Montvale, NJ 07645

Thurs: Open until 6pm

Spotted Lanternfly Information

Spotted lanternfly nymphs are now active throughout Bergen County. This species is a nuisance in residential landscapes and can be harmful to certain plants. In order to combat this pest, Bergen County made available free spotted lanternfly traps to all municipalities for use in parks and other infested areas. On June 30, the Pascack Valley DPW picked up traps on behalf of Montvale and will be deploying them throughout town. The Borough has also submitted a grant application to the State for additional funding for traps and other methods to control the spotted lanternfly population.

The lanternfly circle trap is an approved non-toxic method of controlling these insects. Rest assured, this method is safe and is not harmful to other creatures. While these traps may not completely eliminate lanternflies, they have proven effective in reducing their numbers when appropriately utilized on host trees such as tree of heaven, walnut, and willow.

Additional information concerning the spotted lanternfly is available from the Rutgers Agricultural Experiment Station at